Jeroen, Kees & Souf

Souf came from Greece and has been with us since September 2020. He came with a load of unpleasant experiences with people. Souf is a sweet dog but does not always show the desired behaviour as a result of his anxiety.

During our walks in Het Park with Souf we met Dorine and we started talking. Dorine had tips on how to deal with Souf’s fear. We met a several more times after that.

Dorine listens and observes the dog and its owners carefully. She offers excellent tips on behaviour, mutual trust and bonding. She takes time to observe the situation and provides solutions that will be right for the dog.

In doing so, Dorine shows a genuine interest and love of people and animals and she practices a great deal of patience. Thanks in part to these training sessions, Souf has grown from a happy scared into a happy (sometimes shy) dog.