Petra, Frido & Charlie

What a wonderful and skilled dog trainer!

We struck up a spontaneous conversation with Dorine whom we met during a walk in the park with our two chihuahuas. This led to a six-week training period for our dogs. We quickly learned that Dorine is really good at reading our dogs’ behaviour.

Dexter & Charlie

While we thought that our Charlie was barking in fear of other dogs and that our Dexter feared nothing and no-one, Dorine saw it differently.

Charlie had to learn how to socialise with other dogs and Dexter was much more insecure than we thought. Soon, we were able to walk our chihuahuas without worrying, thanks to the help of Dorine and her dog Hint. Because Dorine provides insights into the behaviour of the dog, you become aware of your own role and ‘parenting skills’.

Thank you, Dorine!